Katalyst Art

Feel Safe Cards / What to do when you feel anxious

As a therapist, sometimes when a person asks how they can feel calmer and less anxious, I will pick out some cards for them as suggestions, they can discuss and either reject the idea if its not for them or perhaps photograph it with their phone so they remember it.
For yourself, pick a card when you feel down or are overwhelmed, bored or don't know how to ground yourself.
Work with your therapist to choose your favourites, or experiment with ideas by yourself to see what works best for you.
Keep one in your wallet or in your drawer to use when away from home.
Shuffle them and pick one at random.
Card suggestions include going for a walk, ways to manage your worries, how to distract yourself, how to calm and soothe yourself.
How to use the cards
Do you ever feel anxious, upset or just plain downhearted? If you are a human being reading this, I would be surprised if you haven't. These cards are a collection of 34 ideas of how to feel calmer and safer when life throws you curve balls. When you need to feel grounded, choose a card or take a card at random whenever you feel the need and carry out the suggestion, keep your favourite card in your purse or your diary, stuck to the mirror, take a photo of it or think up new ways as inspiration to use them to take care of yourself.
They make a lovely gift for anyone whose wellbeing you care about - and that includes yourself!

Each card uses charming and original illustrations based on owl and hare characters printed on high quality glossy 300gsm cards